Thursday, 27 September 2012

Edible Author Makes Front Page

Joe Carlin is on the front cover of the Ipswich Chronicle! For non-Ipswich, Massachusetts, residents, the link is here. Both his book, Cocktails, and Champagne by Becky Sue Epstein, recently got great reviews in the UK photography magazine State/F22.


'It takes an American to contribute to the Edible Series' pocket history of cocktails and Joseph M. Carlin is that soldier.'


'After digesting Epstein's global history of champagne you will be able to impress any sommelier with an informed scrutiny of the label on any house champagne that might be offered . . . this is the book that will help you.'

Monday, 17 September 2012

Edible authors celebrate the publication of Vodka

L-R: Jeri Quinzio, author of Pudding; Patricia Herlihy, author of Vodka; and Joseph M. Carlin, author of Cocktails.
The authors were giving a talk at the Schlesinger Library in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Also pictured is their celebratory tipple (for educational purposes, of course).